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Schools can book a general session covering many examples from his travels or a visit based around a particular theme or topic . Each session will be supported with images of Ed, wildlife​ ​​​​encountered on his travels and support actives.​​


​​A variety of schools have engaged with the project as part of a literacy/science topic, Ed's Adventures tying together several strands being covered by the school









​​Another popular session is based around marine debris ​and plastic pollution and Ed the Bear shares his experiences with beach litter, plastic in the ocean, entangled marine life and the dangers of wildife eating plastic.

A session based around climate issues explores Ed the Bears experiences relating to climate change and the damage it is causing to the oceans and ocean wildife such as plankton and corals.


A UK only session allows schools to learn about the wildlife

on their local beach and some examples of global wildife.


This is a session that is made up of several elements, an

​illustrated talk, activities and live seashore animals

demonstrated via a video microscope/projector for the whole

class to see.












There are many other sessions that can be tailored to meet the needs of a school topic, please contact us for more details.​​​​​


​Ed the Bear has shared his experiences with a wide range of schools and ages during his travels. Non-UK schools may be able to engage with Ed the Bear if he is travelling near to your school, be sent Ed the Bear or engage with the project remotely, including the possiblity of a skype session.


​​​​​YOUTH GROUPS​​​​​​

Ed can work with other Youth Groups as well. Ed has a special link

with the Tennesse Aquatic Project (TAP) a special project that teaches

underprivalged Youths (8-18 year olds) about the Oceans, teach

them to scuba dive and more. Since 2010 Ed the Bear has travelled

to the National Assocation of Black Scuba Divers Youth Education

Summit where he has shared his knowledge with the youths and

they in turn have helped his with his travels.



Some of the TAP youths contributed to the presentation (on the right) made back in 2010 to promote Ed the Bear. We are keen to work with schools who are interested in using multimedia to create a presentation using elements of Ed the Bears adventures to raise awareness of a particular issue. This would be done in the spirit of the project which is to bring the message to a new audience or to explain issues in a simplistic but powerful way




Ed the Bear raises awareness of how our modern living is changing our climate and killing marine life and habitats and how plastic pollution is killing many marine animals and birds.


Ed the Bear encourages children to think about how they might reduce their impact on the environment at home, as a class or as a school. The children are then encouraged to write a pledge to Ed the Bear which they will display as a reminder.

Schools can use this project in various ways as Ed the Bear shares his experiences through his first hand adventures.

There are many other sessions that can be tailored to meet the needs of a school topic, please contact us for more details.​​​​​


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July 12, 2023 I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me.

July 12, 2023 I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me.
July 12, 2023
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